Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

---- We open again on Friday 9 February from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ----
To all our members, friends, and supporters:

We hope that 2024 brings you health, prosperity, and happiness that is really all one can hope for. Anything additional is a bonus.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Our End of Year Closure

---- Our Hut is closed until Friday 9 February 2024 ----At this time of year, our Happy Hours at the Hut are suspended while everyone takes a break with family and friends during the Christmas-New Year festivities.

Several Committee Members will still be working on Hut improvements, administration, and other matters and may be contacted if necessary during the above period. 

We look forward to seeing you in 2024.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Our Annual General Meeting 2023

---- Our last Happy Hour for the year will be 8 December and we will close until 9 February 24 ----Annual General Meetings tend to be more simple meetings than our bi-monthly meetings because the main functions are to present the end-of-year audited financial report and elect Management Committee members.

This years meeting was typically short and swift, taking less than an hour and many people remained to have lunch at The Clubhouse afterwards.

The key features of this AGM were the financial review that shows our sub-branch in an excellent financial position and significant changes in Management Committee positions.

Our long-standing President, Trevor Klose stood down as president and was elected as a committee member. All Executive Office holder's positions changed hands and several other changes occurred. Final appointments are:


President            David Babbage
Vice President    Patsy Biscoe
Treasurer            Craig Dunning
Secretary            Robin Henry


Andrew Hart, Christina Henry, Charmane Klose, Dawn Klose, Trevor Klose, Elliott Nuttall, Susan Riebke, and Denis Tompkins.

We look forward to 2024 with optimism and the determination to continue providing our members with many Happy Hours of good companionship, occasional good food, and good wine should you choose to drink it.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Annual Subscriptions are Due

---- Remember the Annual General Meeting - 11 am, Sunday, 26 November 23 ---- Membership subscriptions are for a calendar year and an affordable $50 for both service and affiliate members.

Current members need to pay their 2024 subscription before 1 January 24 or their membership expires.

Like to Join us?

Anyone wishing to join our wonderful group needs to complete an application form, copies of which, for all categories of membership may be found HERE. Applications are presented to the Management Committee for approval and once approved, members receive an individually numbered badge to be worn with pride.

Learn More about the RSL

The RSL South Australia also covers Broken Hill in New South Wales and the Northern Territory. 

You can learn more about the RSL by following the links provided at the right-hand side of this site and by clicking our About link above.