Showing posts with label Veteran Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veteran Services. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2025

Outstanding Australia Day Event

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Australia Day fell on a Sunday this year and the Committee decided to hold an Australia Day Sausage Sizzle with some traditional Australian lamb thrown in. After all, what's Australia Day without some lamb?

It was an excellent day commencing around midday with around 45 people at The Hut. Most were members and we had the benefit of meeting some new people, a couple from Norway, and some other visitors. 

Members and those who have attended previously would have noticed the upgrade to the front entrance with a new, bright, and welcoming paint job and re-engineered front doors. The propellor has been painted and the year 1946 appears just behind the prop signalling The Hut's establishment date. 

Thanks to a handful of volunteers who have spent hours upgrading our beloved Hut, it's now looking like the place to be, not just on Friday evenings - more about that later.

The habitual and invariable volunteer shown at left who will remain nameless, but whose initials are TB swore that he had painted "1946" with a one-inch paintbrush but our bullsh*t detectors told us otherwise and the editor took this photo as evidence. You can see him peeling back the figure covers.

Everyone present at the event seemed to enjoy the food and good company and of course the refreshments are always in high demand. We also managed to have a few good laughs during the afternoon as our "door" prize winner was announced. 

It was the first draw of the day and while everyone waited with baited breath and the room fell silent President Dave called out the ticket number and our member Robert K was delighted to be the winner. The rest of us sighed with disappointment and took another sip of our wine.

David stepped outside The Hut for a few seconds and when he came back with the door prize, everyone had a hearty laugh. We'll never know what Robert K thought. Maybe the photo of Robert (left) and David answers that question as Robert was the lucky recipient of a screen door surplus to requirements.

Well, no, he was handed a lovely bottle of red wine and the door returned to the shed. Thanks for the laugh guys.

The laughs didn't stop there.

The next lucky winner was Ian T who won a subsequent raffle ticket and finished up with a new, shiny emergency helmet in RSL blue with a flag that is self-explanatory. It kills the rumour that Ian never drinks water as you can see the bottle on the helmet. Whether he actually drinks Hahn beer is a complete unknown.

The remainder of the raffle draws were much less humourous affairs when a few lucky people received bottles of wine and someone was heard to comment, "That's another five dollars I'll never see again" as they threw their raffle tickets into the bin.

Life is full of winners and losers, but it's all good fun at The Hut.

Talking of fun, the Management Committee has decided that we will open The Hut on ad hoc occasions and not just on Friday evenings. This Australia Day opening was a trial event to see whether it would be worthwhile and the outstanding conclusion is that it was. There will be more occasions during which we open throughout the year as well as those commemorative military days during which we always open. 

We hope to have at least one, perhaps two Open Days when we invite the Barossa Valley public and any tourists to come visit us, view our interesting display of military memorabilia, have a refreshment, discuss what we do and why we do it.

RSL Sub-Branches across Australia are not only for serving ADF personnel and veterans, anyone is welcome to visit or join and Affiliate membership is available for those who haven't experienced military service, but who support the Objects of the RSL. You can read all about them in the About tab above.

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