Showing posts with label Returned Services League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Returned Services League. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2024

We go All Out for our Members

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ----Recently Esther, one of our members had her 99th birthday, a special occasion in anyone's diary. Esther is a World War II Army veteran known to every other member and highly regarded.

Sadly, I couldn't be present as much as I would have liked to have been but feedback from those who were was that it was a spectacular birthday party enjoyed by many members and Esther's family. It's not every day one turns 99!

Esther was picked up by a member in a vintage vehicle and driven to The Hut like a Queen. As she entered, this was the scene she saw:
Several of our members spent hours (literally) pulling streamers through the ceiling and preparing everything the day before which is when I took these photos. 

No doubt someone had to dismantle the streamers and other things after the event. We are forever grateful to those members.

Apparently, the birthday veteran did a bit of dancing and was so impressed with the singer that she asked if she could book him for her 100th. I'm sure he agreed.

Now, that's what I call planning!

When she attends The Hut on Friday evenings, she always has a nip of brandy and I noticed last night that she now has a beautiful inscribed, personal brandy glass that will be waiting for her when she arrives.


PS: You don't have to be a 99-year-old veteran to join us on Friday evenings. If you're 18 or older and support the objects of the RSL, we'd love to have you join our happy family. See the Membership tab above for details.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Committee Meeting Feedback

---- Our next special dinner night will be 17 November 23 - a Menu will be released soon. ----
Your Management Committee meets monthly and last met on 16 October 23. Here are some details on key activities: 

Remembrance Day

At that meeting, some time was spent planning Remembrance Day commemorative activities that are well underway given that 11 November is just around the corner (20 days). It's on a Saturday this year, so we're expecting a larger turn-out than usual.

There is still a lot to do on the day but we will be ensuring we have everything organised and ready to roll at a Committee Meeting on 6 November.

We have a poster to advertise the commemorative service that will be distributed to commercial premises around Tanunda. If you'd like to display a copy at your club or workplace, you may download and print a copy here. You could also email it to your friends.

We hope to see as many of our members there on the day. 

Licensed Clubs Supervision Requirement

The Committee received advice from the SA Government Consumer and Business Affairs department that licensed premises now need to have an "Approved Committee Member" to supervise bar operations. This approved person needs to wear a badge while our bar is open.

We are making arrangements for several members to be approved.

Veteran's Film Festival Donation Request

We received a request for donation from the above organisation and the committee has approved a $100 donation. As our sub-branch relies on fundraising through sausage sizzles, memorabilia sales, and the generosity of our local supporters, we endeavour to return that support within our community, however, on this occasion, the committee believes that the Veteran's Film Festival is a worthwhile project to support.

Annual Subscription Fees

The RSLSA/NT State Office advised us that with effect from 1 January 24 the subscription fees will increase to $50 from $40. We have paid a capitation fee to RSLSA/NT of $30 retaining $10 within our sub-branch for every membership subscription. From next year, our capitation fee will not increase meaning that for every $50 a member pays, we will retain $20.

Subscriptions are due on 1 January 2024 but may be paid early.

Seaton Park RSL Visit

Seaton Park President, Mr Peter Butt has emailed us asking if a team from their sub-branch could visit us on a Saturday or Sunday during January. We have responded to Mr Butt that we would be delighted for them to visit and will advise all members of the date on which we agree for them to visit when finalised.

We usually have no formal activities at The Hut during January, but will make an exception for this visit. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Happy Hours now begin at 5 pm!

To save confusion, we're having a common start time for our Happy Hours.

Whether it's a meal night or just a get-together with snacks night, The Hut will open at 5 pm.

Look forward to seeing you there on a Friday evening.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Preparing for ANZAC Day

For the Returned and Services League (RSL) ANZAC Day is our major annual event. 

On this day we commemorate those who served and made the supreme sacrifice in all theatres of war. 

During the emerging pandemic of 2020 we were disappointed that our main event was cancelled. Mini ad hoc commemorations were held by individuals and small groups at the front of their properties and in other non-public places.

It was a sound effort by millions of people around the country, but nothing on the scale of previous years since the end of World War I.

Fortunately, the strictures that affected us last year have been loosened this year and we can run ANZAC Day events while exercising sensible precautions to avoid COVID-19 exposure.

At present the Sub-Branch Management Committee is beavering away planning for our big day. There's lots to do organising a band, limited catering, and logistics for the event. 

Beforehand we will be setting up a couple of donations stalls and seeking volunteers to staff them. If you are interested in helping, please contact us.

We'll keep you posted on progress towards our ANZAC Day ceremony.

Management Committee