Showing posts with label ANZAC Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANZAC Day. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2025

Have you bought your ANZAC Day Memorabilia?

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome, you don't need to be a member. ---- ANZAC Day is fast approaching - only 9 weeks away.

Our partner, the Militaryshop has a cornucopia of militaria waiting for you to purchase. There are many, new exciting, popular products like the Poppy Impressions range:

Many of these products eg, sturdy shopping bags, mugs, and umbrella are big sellers at our kiosk outside Foodland Tanunda.

Pens sell well - everyone needs a collection of pens. (I have enough to open a stationery shop having had a pen fetish for decades!).

Then there are dozens of different badges covering every one of our wars commencing with World War II.

Afghan Service is well catered for also with Operation Slipper.

Operation Slipper is the Australian Defence Force (ADF) contribution to the war in Afghanistan. In November 2001 Australian SAS troops joined the war in Afghanistan. C-130 Hercules aircraft provided logistic support to the SAS, while F/A-18 Hornets contributed to air defence at the American Indian Ocean base of Diego Garcia. From March to September 2002, two RAAF Boeing 707 refuelling aircraft of 84 Wing were based at Manas air base in Kyrgyzstan in central Asia.

The initial ADF commitment in Afghanistan concluded in December 2002 when the Special Air Service Task Group was withdrawn.

An Australian Special Forces Task Group was re-deployed to Afghanistan in August or September 2005.

The Australian Special Forces Task Group was withdrawn from Afghanistan in September 2006.

A Reconstruction Taskforce began arriving in Oruzgan Province in southern Afghanistan in early September 2006. (Source: Virtual Museum)

If you decide to visit the Military Shop using our link here, our sub-branch will receive a small commission.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remember ANZAC Day 2024

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ---- On ANZAC Day we commemorate all those who served and continue to serve in defence of our nation. From the first young men who sacrificed their lives in the Boer War between 1899-1902 and the most recent war in Afghanistan in which our men and women were engaged until 2021.

In an era in which our Western values are under attack and activists want to change Australia Day, abolish ANZAC and Remembrance Days, we need to stand firm and recall the many who served, those who died, and those who returned scarred for life so that we could live in a free, democratic country.

Without their sacrifice, Australia would be an entirely different place.

Those who serve in the Australian Defence Force today swore an oath to be available to defend our country if and when called to do so. They too are our heroes.

ANZAC Day Program

Conducted by Father Mark Sexton at the Tanunda Memorial Gardens, Murray Street, Tanunda followed by a Gunfire Breakfast at the RSL Hut, Bilyara Road in the Tanunda Recreation Park.
($10 donation for ticketed breakfast)

Outside the Tanunda Post Office, Murray Street.

March to the Barossa Regional Gallery (Soldiers Memorial Hall), 3 Basedow Road, Tanunda.

Service conducted by Father Mark Sexton at the Barossa Regional Gallery.

12:15 pm LUNCH
Join us for lunch at the RSL Hut, Tanunda Recreation Park off Bilyara Road. ALL WELCOME. ($10 donation for lunch).

Monday, April 15, 2024

How to get your Military Memorabilia

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ---- Don't miss this opportunity to stock up on your memorabilia!

Two happy customers at our
Foodland sales point
Our member volunteers will run a kiosk outside Foodland Tanunda on 17 and 18 April 24 just in time for you to stock up for ANZAC Day and buy your groceries - two birds with one stone. 

We have a wide range of badges, pens, bags, mugs, and other memorabilia too much to mention here, so we invite you to drop in and have a look. You're sure to find something you can't live without.

Do you have enough memorabilia? No problem, you can make a donation or pick up a free poppy. Everyone gets a free poppy.

If you don't intend to get to Foodland Tanunda on either of those days but would like to support our RSL sub-branch, you can make a donation HERE

We buy our memorabilia from the Military Shop which has a much larger inventory of merchandise than we have. The profit we make and donations we receive from many generous businesses and individuals goes towards planning and running ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day for our community, maintaining our Hut in the Tanunda Recreational Park, and to helping our fellow veterans and families.

We think it's a worthwhile cause and hope you do too.

PS: Visitors to our Hut are always welcome and membership is available but not essential.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Legacy SA Seeks Our Support

The secretary has received an email from Legacy SA seeking support during its annual "Legacy Week" fundraising week from 27 August to 2 September 2023.

The following areas of support have been requested:

  1. Attending the Legacy Week Launch Gala Concert 2023

  2. Fundraising at your workplace.  A dedicated QR code and posters will be provided for your workplace so you can keep track of your donations and collection buckets are also available.  You can also sell Legacy branded Merchandise – for more information please email

  3. Assisting our Legatees by volunteering at one of our locations around South Australia

If you are interested in supporting Legacy in any of the above ways, please contact our committee member Robin Henry who is a Legacy Legatee for Barossa-Light. You can find his contact details under the Contact tab.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Get your Memorabilia - 18-19 April 23!

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ----
Image credit:

Before ANZAC and Remembrance Days each year, we hold a kiosk outside Foodland Tanunda where we have an extensive range of fantastic memorabilia available for sale.

There is a range of prices from $3 and items include pens, badges, water and other drink bottles and mugs, stubby holders, poppy umbrellas, baseball caps, wrist bands, poppy hold-all bags, and much more.

We update and renew our memorabilia collection twice annually, so there's always something new, novel, and interesting for sale. It's a gold mine for collectors of militaria.

We buy our memorabilia from the Military Shop, Australia's premier supplier of all things military and their catalogue for 2023 may be viewed here. If we don't have what you want, the Military Shop will undoubtedly have it. Anything you buy after clicking the two links above will accrue a commission for Tanunda RSL. 

If you are in the area on Tuesday, 18th, or Wednesday 19th April, please view our display and have a chat with our volunteers. We'd love to meet you. 

We're always happy to have new members too, so if you're interested in supporting Tanunda RSL, please ask one of our volunteers about membership which is open to everyone 18 years or older.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

A Remembrance Day of Sunshine and Reflection

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Meals on the first Friday of the month however, The Hut access has been suspended until further notice due to construction works ---- 
Remembrance Day turned out to be warm and sunny - perfect for our outdoor commemorative service. It was also a great relief following weeks of intermittent rain.

Although the attendance was what I would call 'moderate', Friday of course is a workday, so many people who may have attended on a weekend weren't available at 10:30 am when our commemorative service commenced. A few people turned up shortly before 11 am.

Priest and currently serving Army chaplain, Mark Sexton again did an excellent job throwing in a couple of anecdotes based on military service. Our President, Trevor Klose was the Master of Ceremonies and similarly did a respectable job taking attendees through the order of service.

Several wreaths were laid and all of us who attended had time to reflect on those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice and thousands of others whose service we honour, including those now in the Australian Defence Force.

Preparing for ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day begins a few months ahead of the scheduled events and requires quite a lot of work from committee members. 

Close to the events, we're fortunate and most appreciative to have the help of Faith Lutheran College students to install our crosses. Each cross bears the name of one of our fellow Australians who died in service to our country and is placed in alphabetical order according to the theatre of war in which they served.

The photo above shows several students and their teacher supervised by our member Neville Jaeschke who volunteers to do this job twice per year. The teacher told us these year-eleven students are going to be college leaders in their final year at the college.

The finished job looks very impressive as you can see in this photograph.

In previous years we have invited people to have lunch at our Hut following the service but unfortunately, due to the construction work currently being undertaken in the Tanunda Recreation Park, it wasn't possible to do so this year.

By ANZAC Day 2023 we expect the construction work to have been completed and we'll be back to normal.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

A Successful Remembrance Day Appeal

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Meals on first Friday of month ---- Once again the generosity of our fellow Barossans and some visitors came to light during our Remembrance Day Appeal we held outside Foodland Tanunda.

Two lovely ladies agreed to pose
For those of us who volunteered at the memorabilia tables, it was a wintery experience as the front of Foodland is like a wind tunnel. But being the devoted and hardy souls we are, we beavered on and made a healthy amount for our sub-branch on behalf of those who serve and have served in the Australian Defence Force, their families, and our community.

We handed out 500 or more free poppies to young and old to wear on Friday, 11 November 22 or as often as they wish. I believe more will be available at the Tanunda Memorial Gardens where we hope we'll see you at 10:15 am for a 10:30 am commencement.

We were delighted to hear some parents telling their youngsters about the RSL and military and why we hold Remembrance Day.

As always, we are most grateful for the ongoing support we receive from our community.

As an afterthought, if you didn't get that badge, cap, mug or something from our memorabilia collection you really wanted, if you click on Military Shop link in the right hand column, you can visit their site to check out the vast array of militaria available.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

ANZAC Day 2022 Went Well

 ANZAC Day at Tanunda went well.

Given that Monday was a public holiday during school holidays, we had an enormous turn-up at both the Dawn Service and the late morning Service after our march from the Tanunda Post Office to the Soldiers' Memorial Hall.

The highlight of the Dawn Service was perhaps an address delivered by a senior school student (image at left) from the local Faith Lutheran College. Given the age of the young man, his presentation was flawless, the content emotive and inspiring, and he didn't appear to be the slightest nervous.

After the Dawn Service, we held a Gunfire Breakfast that many people attended. Our bar volunteers served beer including large amounts of Coopers stout, a beverage that doesn't usually sell well during the rest of the year. 

Small amounts of Beenleigh rum made its way into coffee, a tradition on this special day.

The Gunfire Breakfast was also attended by a contingent of RAAF serving members who had participated as a catafalque party (you can see several in the image above) or supported them. 

Here they are outside our Hut. Those with weapons are obviously part of the catafalque party.

We appreciate and thank them for their service and hope that they will never be called upon to sacrifice their lives for their fellow Australians as many others have throughout the short history of our country.

We are so fortunate to live in a relatively free democracy with a decent standard of living and sound governance.

However, as the motto of the RSL states, "The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance" which includes having a combat-ready defence force if we need it.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Lest We Forget

 "They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them."

The Ode of Remembrance has been recited to commemorate wartime service and sacrifice since 1921.

The Ode is the 4th stanza of the poem 
For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon. The poem was first published in the British newspaper The Times on 21 September 1914. The poem later appeared in many anthologies of war verse.

In 1919, Binyon’s poem was selected to accompany the unveiling of the London Cenotaph and was adopted as a memorial tradition by many Commonwealth nations. The poem was read at the laying of the Inauguration Stone at the Australian War Memorial in 1929.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

ANZAC Day Memorial Services

Mr Tony Pasin presents bottle of rum
This year once again we are holding our memorial services and march for ANZAC Day, next Monday.

Our committee members have been beavering away preparing all the minutia involved in organising such an important event in the RSL calendar and community. 

We are supported by various other community organisations and individuals including the Barossa Council and Federal Member for Barker, Mr Tony Pasin who every year gives us a large bottle of Beenleigh rum to share during our Gunfire Breakfast at the Hut. You can see him here handing this year's bottle to Treasurer Christina and Robin Henry.

It's a public holiday Monday and that may mean more or fewer people attend our two memorials on ANZAC Day. The first, held at the Tanunda Memorial Garden in Murray Street begins at 6:15 am.

At 10:15 am those marching assemble outside the Tanunda Post Office in Murray Street and march to the Soldiers' Memorial Hall (Barossa Gallery) in Basedow Road where a second service is held at 11:00 am.

Members and invited guests then meet at the Hut for lunch.

The next memorial event this year of course will be Remembrance Day on 11 November.

We hope to see you at one of our services on Monday.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Memorabilia Sales - Foodland Tanunda

A small example of memorabilia
On Tuesday, 19 April, and Wednesday, 20 April, our volunteers will be holding memorabilia fundraising stalls outside Foodland, Tanunda. 

This year we have a range of new memorabilia in which collectors will be interested. We also have some "electric candles" for those who prefer to hold their ANZAC Day memorial at home, as all of us did during 2020 when we were captives of our own houses during a lockdown; a new experience for most of us.

We have purple pin badges in recognition of the animals that fought alongside our troops in all wars, combined purple and red poppy badges, Navy, Army and Air Force mugs, water bottles, shopping bags with poppy graphics, a variety of pens, sets of cards, and biscuits in souvenir tin containers (these will go fast). 

Visit us and you'll find something you like or can't live without.

If you don't need another pen, or another ANZAC Day badge, you may wish to simply leave a donation.

Whatever you do, if you are in the area, please drop in and say hello to our team members. You could even discuss how easy it is to become a member.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Hut Closed Good Friday

The Hut will be closed on Friday, 15 April 22, for the Easter long weekend.

We hope you have a pleasant and safe weekend and look forward to seeing you at the Hut on Friday, 22 April 22, the day after our first ever Fashion Parade at Lambert's Winery, and of course the weekend of ANZAC Day on the following Monday.

Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, several volunteers will be selling memorabilia outside Foodland, Tanunda. Don't forget to say hello and update or add to your collection if you are nearby.

Next week promises to be a busy week for our colleagues and the many others who support the RSL.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Friday Night is Happy Hour!


Join us this Friday, 30th April 2021 for Happy Hour.

Everyone is welcome after 4 pm.

Snacks and drinks will be available at a reasonable price and chatting with our members is free. There will probably be a lot of discussion about ANZAC Day which was an overwhelming success.

If you're new to our Hut, you may like to take a look at our extensive range of memorabilia. We have a collection of badges, clothing, weapons, and medals and other interesting objects on display. 

We also have memorabilia for sale that includes a wide range of badges, pens, mugs, caps, and stubby holders.

See you there!

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Join Us on ANZAC Day


ANZAC Day is with us again. In 2020 we had to cancel our one day of the year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But this 25 April we're back on deck with a morning memorial and a mid-morning march.

We don't mind which event you attend, but we'd love to have you join us in memory of our fallen and to thank those who served and still serve.

The ANZAC tradition is under threat by those who would see it disappear, so we need to stand strong together and remember why our country is still free and democratic.

If you can't attend at the Tanunda Memorial Gardens at 0600 h or at the march assembling at the Post Office at 1015 h, please consider holding a Driveway Memorial to remember the brave men and women who protected us in the past and who still protect us today.

Lest We Forget!

Monday, March 1, 2021

Preparing for ANZAC Day

For the Returned and Services League (RSL) ANZAC Day is our major annual event. 

On this day we commemorate those who served and made the supreme sacrifice in all theatres of war. 

During the emerging pandemic of 2020 we were disappointed that our main event was cancelled. Mini ad hoc commemorations were held by individuals and small groups at the front of their properties and in other non-public places.

It was a sound effort by millions of people around the country, but nothing on the scale of previous years since the end of World War I.

Fortunately, the strictures that affected us last year have been loosened this year and we can run ANZAC Day events while exercising sensible precautions to avoid COVID-19 exposure.

At present the Sub-Branch Management Committee is beavering away planning for our big day. There's lots to do organising a band, limited catering, and logistics for the event. 

Beforehand we will be setting up a couple of donations stalls and seeking volunteers to staff them. If you are interested in helping, please contact us.

We'll keep you posted on progress towards our ANZAC Day ceremony.

Management Committee