Showing posts with label @mybarossa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label @mybarossa. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

Management Committee Meeting Feedback

---- We have 49 financial members of a membership of 74 ---- 

The Management Committee met on Tuesday, 4 February 25 for the first time this year.


Most of our meeting time was spent discussing the new ANZAC Day arrangements now that we cannot access the Soldiers' Memorial Hall for an 11 am commemorative service.

We've included the 11 am service for many years, however, the Soldiers' Memorial Hall is being upgraded and while the upgrade is in progress, all public activities have been suspended.

The Committee decided on a new program, the details of which are:

6:30 am - DAWN SERVICE at the Garden of Remembrance, Murray Street followed by a Gunfire Breakfast that may include Two-Up this year

10:45 am - MUSTER FOR THE MARCH in Basedow Road at the intersection with Murray Street.

11:00 am - STEPOFF and march down Bilyara Road to the Hut.

12:00 pm - LUNCH at the Hut.

Arrangements with stakeholders and third-party players who need early advice have either been completed or are underway so that by 25 April 25 everything will fall into place as expected.

As this is a significant change, please advise as many of your friends and colleagues as possible.


Dr Jack Urlwin has completed his advocacy training and is now available to assist people with DVA applications and appeals. You can read more under the Advocacy tab above.

Maintenance and Improvements

We discussed the numerous changes that have been made to the Hut during the past year and specifically over the Christmas-New Year break with thanks to Tony Boyle, David Babbage, and others who worked to update the Hut's appearance.

If you haven't visited for a while, you should be pleasantly surprised at the gardening, new paint job, static soldiers near the flag pole, modified front doors, and some internal additions. You won't see the new glasswasher installed in the bar. You won't know that the kitchen stove is unserviceable and is being replaced.

You may be wondering where the money came from to afford all these upgrades. Most of it was made possible by the inordinately generous donation of Lamberts Wine Estate's Jim Lambert who donated two pallets of wine to us. This followed two successive years when we ran Fashion Shows in conjunction with the then Barossa-based Dressed for Success at Lamberts Estate.

At left is a view of one of the Fashion Shows. As this only represents about two thirds of the room, you can imagine that it was a large crowd. Many came from Adelaide suburbs.

Our members were involved in getting these shows set up and a couple of our ladies actually did some modelling as they wove their way through the tables.

Many of the attendees also purchased memorabilia that we had on display within the venue, so we did very well financially.

Club Wine

Last year your Committee decided to purchase a quantity of wine from Gomersal Wines and this purchase is well underway thanks to the dynamic members of our team who organised it.

Ultra Labels & Flexpack designed the label that appears below and did so at no cost to the sub-branch, which is wonderful. We were all impressed with the design, the background of which is a better blue than that shown in this graphic. 

Between the words, "2021 SHIRAZ" and "The Hut" is a line that divides the bottle front label from the rear label that has a short history of our Hut.

How good is that?

The wine will be available for sale around mid-March and as we spoke about how we looked forward to it, most of us said we had hoped not to wait. But time is going faster this year, don't you think?

AFL Sausage Sizzle

President David has been discussing our members running a sausage sizzle on behalf of the AFL located at the footbridge that leads to the Adelaide Oval. Everything would be provided and we would simply need to provide feet on the ground to run it for a donation to the sub-branch.

Given that we are experts at sausage sizzles, this would be a breeze.

We'll keep you posted about this project.

The Hut Open Day

Your Committee is interested in expanding our engagement with the communities that surround us. 

One plan being mooted is to hold an Open Day in which we invite the community to come visit us perhaps between 10 am and 3 pm to look at our memorabilia (and hopefully to buy some) and while with us discuss membership or just have a coffee, tea or other beverage.

Well, as they said in one of the old cartoons on TV, "That's it Folks".

Don't be afraid to leave a comment below and tell us what you think of our plans?

PS: Don't forget you can subscribe at the top right corner of this page to get immediate updates when posts are made. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Presentations for ANZAC Day Support - Tanunda Community

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ----Every ANZAC Day we are privileged to have the support of a variety of agents and people who help us make our commemorative activities special.

The key players on the day are:
  1. The Tanunda Town Band
  2. The Liedertafl Choir
  3. Barossa and District Pipe Band
  4. Faith Lutheran College
  5. Mr Steve Kaisler, Barossa Gallery and Soldiers' Memorial (Barossa Council)
The first three organisations, as would be expected, provide spectacular music support. Faith Lutheran College provides a group of students who assist our team to install and uninstall 300 small wooden crosses on the lawn adjacent to Tanunda Memorial Park where our Dawn Service is held.

Mr Kaisler sets up and manages the Gallery and Soldiers' Memorial Hall where we hold an 11 am commemorative service for those who couldn't attend the Dawn Service at 6 am.  As an employee of Barossa Council we are not permitted to provide a monetary donation, but provide him with a small personal gift.

On Friday, 12 July 24 we presented representatives of the first four organisations with donation cheques for $150 in appreciation of their ongoing support. Here are some of the photos of recipients receiving their cheques. Unfortunately, due to school holidays, Faith Luthern College couldn't provide a recipient, so our member, Mr Neville Jaeschke who oversees the wooden cross project received it on their behalf and will forward it to them when they return to school.

Tanunda Town Band

Vice President Patsy Biscoe presented Mr Gordon Alderslade from the Tanunda Town Band with their cheque.

Formed in 1857, the internationally acclaimed Tanunda Town Band is recognised as the oldest continual brass band in the Southern Hemisphere, and has been entertaining audiences locally, nationally, and internationally for the last 160 years!

Tanunda Town Band is an ‘A Grade’  band which excels in traditional brass band and classical music and regularly takes part in community events, public concerts and corporate engagements.  During its long history, Tanunda Town Band has successfully competed  at local, state, national and international competitions.

The Tanunda Liedertafl Choir

Mr David West from the Liedertafl Choir received their cheque.

The Tanunda Liedertafel is a 45-member male choir. Drawing its four-part singing material from traditional popular German culture. The group's origins date back to 1850.

The members were also instrumental in the formation of a "German Club" in Tanunda in 1855, proving the continuous nature of the choir from 1850 to World War I.

The choir was re-organized in 1920 and, aside from an interruption caused by World War II has been active ever since, primarily in Tanunda and Adelaide. Along with third and fourth-generation German-Australians, the group includes singers with Dutch, British, Polish and, Irish backgrounds. 

Given the nationalities of the members, nearly 50 percent of the material is sung in English or Latin (where tradition dictates).

Barossa and District Pipe Band

Sub-branch member and Pipe Master, Mr Alistair McCallum received the cheque on behalf of the Barossa and District Pipe Band.

The Barossa & District Pipe Band is a Scottish Pipe Band based in the Barossa Valley of South Australia.

The band was established in February 2012 by then Pipe Major, Peter Whitehead. The band started from scratch with beginners and learners coming from surrounding areas. From an initial group of six interested people the band has grown over the years to approximately 20 members at its strongest.

The band is currently led by Pipe Major, Alistair MacCallum who took over the role in October 2022 after the resignation of Peter Whitehead.

Faith Lutheran College

Our member Mr Neville Jaeschke accepted the cheque on behalf of Faith Lutheran College.

Amongst church spires and vineyards, the passion for quality education has been instilled in the hearts and minds of generations before us. In fact, we've been trailblazing since 1845 when the first Barossa Lutheran education facility opened in Tanunda.

Langmeil School, as Tanunda Lutheran School was known then, was the first step in our unending pursuit of an education that brings something extra to the ordinary.

As the Barossa celebrated 140 years of Lutheran education, courage and faith guided the opening of Faith Lutheran Secondary School in 1985.

Passionate educators and a supportive community enabled the school to thrive and quickly grow from the inaugural class of 26 students to over 600. 

Note: If you are a Barossa Valley resident, you can read more about these presentations in The Leader of 17 July 24.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Out Now: Issue 10 of "The Bugle"

---- We open most Fridays from 5 pm. Everyone is welcome ----

The Bugle is online waiting for you to download and the topics of interest in this edition are:
  1. Test Engineers Keep Aircrews Safe
  2. Our Heroes: Lest We Forget - Dorothy Gwendoline Howard ELMES (Nursing sister)
  3. Our Internet Site
  4. Our Hercules Warhorse
  5. Vale Lieutenant Colonel Harry Smith, MC
  6. Have You Been Scammed? (Test your phishing skills)
  7. Military Humour
  8. Army Going Electric
  9. HMAS Hobart's Renovation: "The Green Ghost" Revamped
  10. Veterans' Health Week Event 
You can download a copy in Portable Document Format (PDF) here:

The next issue, Issue 11 will be out in December 23.

Happy reading!