Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Annual General Meeting Feedback

Our 2021 Christmas Dinner and Annual General Meeting went well. Everyone who attended the dinner seemed to have a great time and some of us who don't often see each other had a good chance to chat as we drank our wine and ate the lovely meals always available at The Clubhouse.

The AGM was well attended and the main highlights were that Lee Martin and Neville Jaeschke didn't stand for re-election. Elliott Nuttall was elected Vice President and we didn't fill Neville's position as we already had an additional member on the committee which usually stands at 10. Both Lee and Neville contributed greatly to our Management Committee and will be missed. Neville served on the Committee for 20 years, which is outstanding by any measure.

President, Trevor Klose thanked Lee and Neville and everyone for their continuing membership and contribution to our sub-branch, to Tich Tyson of Plympton RSL for helping us with the election of Committee members, and to Anthony Pulliati of Carbon Group Barossa for his pro bono review of our financial statements. He also reminded us of the support we receive from our local Ministers of Parliament and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Trevor extends a Merry Christmas and prosperous and safe 2022 to all our members and their families.

PS: Our last two Happy Hours for the year will be on 3rd and 10th December. We'd love to see you there. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Christmas Luncheon and Annual General Meeting

Members and partners are cordially invited to join us for our Christmas Luncheon and Annual General Meeting to be held as follows:

When:    28 November 2021

Where:    The Clubhouse, 45 Macdonnell Street, Tanunda

Times:    12 pm for a 1230 pm start for lunch; 3 pm for the AGM

RSVP: By 26 November 2021 by email (see below) or to Dawn Klose, Secretary on 0419 787 422

NOTE: A range of meals is available from The Clubhouse menu at your own cost.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Management Committee.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Remember to Remember

One of the two most important days on the RSL Calendar, Remembrance Day will be commemorated at the Tanunda Memorial Park, Murray Street, Tanunda on Thursday, 11 November 2021.

Attendees are invited to be in-situ by 10:30 am sharp when the service will commence and RSL members are invited for a light lunch at The Hut following the service. 

Please do join us at the Tanunda Memorial Park.